If you have decided to lease a vehicle, let a car leasing representative know right away of your intention to lease. Tell him that you wish to obtain some information to help you with your final decision and that you want to talk to him about selling price apart from monthly payments. Tell him that after getting a good deal, you will immediately lease a car. In any car negotiation, you need to use your time to prepare and make an informed decision about leasing, prices and the vehicle. Also, make use of your ability to find a number of car leasing companies including Andy1st Driving School and the best deal.

Car Lease Deal11

Prepare to Negotiate

After you have done research, you can expect the process to be smooth. First, negotiate the cap cost or lease price with a particular target price in mind. A lower price means a lower monthly lease payment. Don’t be tricked by dealers telling that the lease price is not negotiable.

As the dealer controls price, you should not expect to get far in negotiating the money factor and residual. The items are under the control of the leasing company of the dealer. However, you can ask the dealers if they have an affiliation with some leasing finance companies that you can get better terms from. Next, make an inquiry about advertised specials, rebates, discounts or factory-to-dealer incentives which would lower your capitalized cost. Ask them the down payment you would have to put and negotiate a reasonable price for the trade in.

Prepare to Negotiate

After you Got the Deal

Now, tell the dealer to calculate the monthly lease payment, minus sales tax, based on the agreed figures. Calculate the payment yourself while the dealer is gone checking with the finance manager. As he returns, check their payment calculations with yours.

It is important to make sure that you are using the same down payment, cap cost, term, money factor and residual value as the dealer is using. Also, include any additional costs that you will have to pay upfront. Get an explanation from them in case of discrepancy. Usually, the difference can be an unmentioned additional charge, a mistake or a hidden fee.

After you Got the Deal

Negotiations May not be needed

After you learn about the importance of negotiating any car lease deal, you need to know that little or no negotiation may not be required in some cases. As you find great car lease deals being advertised on TV, in the newspaper or a website of car makers, these are packaged deals sponsored by the car manufacturer and dealer. Such promotional offers are almost always great deals and often require no negotiation. As a matter of fact, even if you wished to negotiate, this is not often possible because of the special conditions needed to accept the deal. In general, each deal element such as vehicle make, style and model, residual, money factor, lease price and term, is already set and unchangeable. The best thing about these deals is that you may be able to get them only from a specific styles and models only and for just a limited time.

specific styles and models

Author Bio: David Hart is famous in his honest and sensible opinions about proper customer handling. Among his posts available online are focused on finding good car leasing companies including Andy1st driving school.

Car Lease Deal11